Groups in the social field

Discover our offer for groups in the social field.


The Centre des monuments nationaux's activities for social groups are developed throughout the year, notably through its involvement in the "Living Together" mission, a partnership with the Cultures du Cœur association and annual participation in the national event Les Portes du Temps, which became C'est mon Patrimoine! in 2017.

Alongside these initiatives, the Centre des monuments nationaux has entered into partnerships with other national organizations, with a wide range of profiles, which help people in social difficulty.

The visit offer

An adapted offer

On a daily basis, the cultural and educational department offers visits adapted to the social field, organizes training for the guides to help them accompany groups independently and, of course, is ready to welcome visitors from all walks of life by offering various forms of mediation to help them make the most of their visit.

To know more about it


  • Vue sur le château du front ouest

    Fiche de visite

    Visit sheet

    PDF (2.89 MB)

  • Logo FALC

    Livret de visite en FALC

    Visit sheet

    PDF (23.61 MB)